Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ahoy! My day was generally crap until I took a glance at today's wikipedia notes and saw that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! A quick message to select members of my department, along with a link:, and my day was crap no longer! I, Cap'n Jenny Flint, care nothing for long meetings, slow applications, or broken server communication links! Aye, methinks my crew could benefit from ITLAP Week...


Spinning Ninny said...

Sadly, I get the same name every year: Captain Mary Kidd. (I babysat the kids of a woman named Mary Kidd when I was growing up, which makes this even more amusing.)

Taryn said...

I got Captain Mary Bonney and I figure it's not too late to raise Simon thinking that this is my real name.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaargggghhhhh, shiver me scurvy crew never told me about this !

They'll walk the plank for this to be sure, me hearties !!

Break out the rum !!
