Sunday, June 04, 2006

Birds and Fishes

I went for a short bike ride this afternoon because I was still craving sunshine after I played tennis this morning. Alongside Wingra Creek (as I rode waaaay on the right edge of the bike path!) were ten adult geese and dozens of little ones of varying sizes nestled beneath some shady trees. The babies were all fast asleep, spilling out onto the bike path and also down towards the water, and about half of the parents were awake to threaten unsuspecting bikers. The bike path was caked with smelly goose droppings, and still I thought "... how beautiful".

I'm only half looking forward to my trip to Atlanta next week for work, but I was recently informed by a certain bug-picking friend that the world's largest aquarium is located not far from the Hilton where I'll be staying. It is the only aquarium outside of Asia to house whale sharks, the largest fish in the world. I'll be sure to post some pictures when I get home.

1 comment:

kevin said...

Not only have I been dive-bombed twice by what was possibly the same mocking bird, I've also been chased while jogging by an angry mother goose. It's amazing that something which honks and waddles can be so scary.