Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Did anyone else watch Dancing with the Stars last night? I was completely fascinated by Leila Ali (also a professional boxer). Something about the way she spoke, and was nearly six feet tall, and could crush anyone... but then pulled off the foxtrot with no problem. Wow. If I were to marry a woman, I would marry her.


Anonymous said...

If I were to marry a woman, I would marry Emma Thompson. If she'd have me.

Or, really, Caroline.

nenny said...

Emma would have you. She could ravish you like her crazy angel character in Angels in America. It would be awesom.

Taryn said...

I would say that I'd fight you for Emma, Gwen, but I'm pretty sure that you'd trounce me.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, trounce is such a good word.

nenny said...

Really, though - you should both be checking out Leila on Dancing with the Stars. Kevin agreed with me after watching her this evening.